Monday, December 31, 2007

Xmas Holidays - part one

Hello all.
Xmas holidays finally arrived and after lots of literally last minute organising I headed off down to the arport to start the long trek south. I was a little annoyed as I had been telling people for weeks that I was gonna be outta there on a certain date, but some persisted in trying to dump stuff on my desk an hour before I was due to go. 'Whaddya expect me to do with this thirty minutes before I go on vacation for the next two weeks?'..Jeez.
So it was Air France Geneva to Paris on a little jet and Paris to Singapore on a four engined Airbus. Nice enough. Departed on time and food OK.
Legroom on the long-haul was disappointing. I am 1.82m/5'11" and a long shanks. The airline had obviously decided to shave 3-4 cm off each row and squeeze just one more row in over the length of economy class. Hmmm...
Arrive around midnight in Singers. Love this place. The Singaporeans are so switched on, well dressed and polite. A lovely clean, efficient airport too. I walked literally off one aircraft down the hall 50 metres, cross over and get straight onto the next one. A Qantas code share to Perth. (They schedules these days are really getting tight...).
Qantas was all smiles, friendly and lots of little nice touches. Great food and enertainment. I watched several comedies and laughed my head off and had a few others in my little section right at the back of the plane switching channels...
The arrival in Perth was at the ungodly hour of 2:00am so after luggage and customs I popped out at 3:00am.
Just as I exited through the automatic doors some thirty-something blonde squeeled with delight, arms outstretched and shouted 'Hi!'. Now after 20+ hours on a plane, several times zone changes and a 3:00am exit, my mind was just a little mushy. So here's me stretching out my arms out of reflex and saying 'Hi!' All the time thinking 'who the Heck are you?!' It was for the guy right behind me though. Drats! She was quite a babe!
Back to the folks place and dozed on and off fitfully, exhausted but unable to sleep.
Tomorrow is another day...


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