Baghdad by the Lake?...

But I’m going on holiday next Thursday afternoon to spend two weeks in the summer sunshine in Oz with the family and friends at Xmas and I have been working like a Demon for the last month trying to get everything in order before I go. Build cash budgets for 2008, get all the field offices paid in USD/EUR/GBP to fund them to early January. Doing the monthly accounting for one of the companies I take care of. Fixing electronic–banking problems, etc.,etc. The list (and it is a long one) goes on….
I worked last Sunday on my all too brief weekend,will probably work this Saturday and only had one ‘normal’ day last Thursday when my brain couldn’t fit any more numbers into it and went on strike so I went home!
The expectation is that since we’re paid big bucks the assigned tasks are ‘our’ responsibility come what may. But there comes a time (hopefully not one hour before you’re due to get on the plane!) when you just have to say ‘OK guys, I am going on vacation now. Y'all are gonna have to be responsible for this now ‘cos I sure as heck am not taking it with me!’
I do hope they don’t expect things to run by themselves. But you never know…
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