The 'season' begins in Geneva

There are a lot of Arab women in the city at the moment. Some in very chic designer outfits with Chanel headscarves and some in just plain black Abbayas, and then of course I remembered - it is 'the season'.
Each summer the French and Swiss sides of Lac Leman play host to some of the wealthiest people from all over the Middle East. It is said (and not all that jokingly) that half the worlds oil deals are done at the Four Seasons hotel lounge where they rent entire suites for a dozen or more family, friends and employees.
Outside the lobby there is always a continuous flotilla of top-of the-line Mercedes and stretch limousines. Not just your average businessmans expresses, but the sort reserved for Heads of State complete with immaculately attired chauffeurs.
During the day the men take care of business and the ladies and their extensive entourages go shopping and boy do they shop. Gucci, Rolex, Louis Vuitton, you name it, it is here.
One of the ladies I know used to work in a jewellery store in Geneva and told me that it was not uncommon for one of the men to come in with the extended group of family plus staff and look at some of the most expensive Swiss watches (Omega, Rolex, Piaget, etc) anc if they thought they were nice would say 'Very good - give me twenty' just like that. One hundred thousand Swiss Francs (about the same in $) without even batting an eyelid!! Other sales of diamond rings and necklaces can run into millions!!! There is some SERIOUS cash here during August and September.
Most of the time I feel pretty content that I'm doing AOK. But when I see these folks and the attendant lifestyle, I realise they and I live life on entirely different planets! Ah well, maybe if I saved reallly hard...
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