Saturday, May 26, 2007

Point me to the Tropics if you please...

It's now official. I've decided that working for a living has knobs on it

You may not have twigged, but today I'm not exactly feeling in a warm and fuzzy mood today about the 9:00-5:00...

Maybe it's just me, but don't you also tired of getting up at the crack of dawn, working all the hours the Big-Fella sends, seeing sunlight only sporadically and attending long-winded meetings about stuff you were never all that interested in in the first place?

Our owner came in yesterday - man he's a squillionaire and when he gets bored (poor bugger), he just takes a Net-Jet down to Florence or Ibiza and books into a 5-star hotel to chase away those negative vibes for a few days.

But, I've still got a little while longer before my plans come together (I sound like George Peppard as Hannibal from, the A-team!) and I can do something remotely similar albeit on a smaller scale! So I guess in the meantime I just keep plodding and studying away. As Mao Tse Tung once said, 'the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step'.
So in the interim, my lucky lottery ticket for 25 million Swiss Franc sits in my wallet just waiting for the draw to tell me the good news and let me buy that glass-fibre sailboat and sail the islands in the tropics - bikini-clad lovelies helping with the ropes between sunbathing spells on deck...
Excuse me Boss, which way to the exit. I got a life waiting for me...


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