Great White Xmas!

Then, almost on cue, when I started watching the Qantas Oz news and catching up on what was going on in the great south land, there was an article talking about a bloody great White Pointer cruising off the W.A. coast! Attracted no doubt by both the swarms of baitfish that had been blown onto the coast and also by the smell of a recently defunct whale that was now getting decidedly whiffy decaying in the shallows, it was in no hurry to move on... Oh great! Just my luck!!
Not to worry though – it’s at least a couple of kays (kilometres) up the coastfrom where I will be diving and I’ve always got my back-up diving knife I told various folks.
"Dive knife?" "What good d’ya think that’ll do against a couple of tonnes of hungry shark" they would ask.
"Absolutely none" I replied. Our dive teacher told us they were a lot more use putting a few holes in a dive partner you didn’t like all that much before you started to swim like buggery!
Very practical people Aussies...
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