Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
The U.S. Elections - random thoughts...
- Mitt Romney - Just pulled out. Telling Michigan he can bring back thousands of vanished auto jobs was as irresponsible as telling people he'd bring back jobs at shipyards working on Tea Clippers. They're gone and those days are over. Almost as bad was his wanting to relax gas mileage standards. Everyone is talking about the end of easy oil and the energy crisis that will cause; the U.S. is having all sorts of foreign policy and economic difficulties precisely because of foreign oil dependance/over-usage and he wanted to go and worsen that. OMG!
- John McCain - front runner (R). Although his policies are basically Bush-lite, he seems steady, intelligent and prepared to go against the current on issues when necessary. Still too overbearing on F.P. for my tastes by you could at least work with him. But 71 (72 next year)? I think the whole military/POW thing is overdone too. I respect the guy and hey, hats off to ya, but that was half a century ago.
- Mick Huckabee - still pitching. Although you tailor your speech and policy to your audience(s), blue-collar steel workers one day, Wall street types the next, he seems like his policies change according to the data from the advance teams demographic surveys. Not this is 'my' message just fine-tuned for you, but rather this is 'any' message that I've been told you're 65% more likely to want to hear. Hmmm....
- Hillary Clinton - tied front-runner. Almost all the Americans I know had passionate feelings one way or the other about her which was surprising. Anway, she tap-danced a lot about voting for and then against Iraq. Now prevaricates about pulling out of there but only in a 'partial' withdrawal leaving troops for just this task and just that task and so on and so forth. Well heck, add that all up and that's almost as many as are currently there now. So who's coming back? Private Ryan's nephew? Sounds to me like being just a little bit pregnant? Sounds like he's trying to have a bet both ways - saying she had a troop withdrawal but also saying that she's left soldiers there too.
- Barack Obama - tied front runner. Smooth, calm, diplomatic, say he's prepared to work with the world rather than give it orders and demands (Messrs Bush? McCain?). Strong on understanding policy details and the philosophy behind them. Can land the odd jab on the chin when needed, but as one columnist wrote today, 'can he stand up to the attack machine' that will be blasted at him soon? Not sure....
Anyway. Drink lots of coffee 'cause this election thingo will still be going in November.
Friday, February 01, 2008
And it all started off so well...

He promised to reform the concrete-rigid labour laws so that employers could hire people without being legally wed to them until the end of time or sued otherwise (I'm all for labour protection from voracious capitalism, but no one should expect a job literally for life). Final result? Ermmm. They're still looking into that one...
He promised to do something about the restrictive 35 hour week. Result? A kinda sorta band-aid fix.
He promised modernisation, but instead has re-instated an age old practice where ministers can also run for local government office at the same time. it's like being the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs (Aus)/Secretaty of State for the Foreign & C'Wealth Office (U.K.)/Secretary of State (U.S.), whilst also saying your the full time Mayor of Canberra/London/New York. It's nothing but a blatant rort and job protection scheme so in case you f**k up as a Federal Minister, you can golden parachute back into the local position. Something no other person in the workforce enjoys. And Besides, isn't being a national minister/Mayor supposed to be a full time job? So which job/which citizens are you short-changing?
He promised to do something about falling purchasing power. You're average Mom & Dad French person is hurting big time in the wallet. Prices are up, housing is up, but wages are stagnant or falling. Result? He went on another vacation (using rich friends houses, jets etc.) to enjoy the dubious charms of the man-eating and arrogant heiress - Miss Bruni - who thinks that monogamy is 'boring'.
His relationship with her has now made him the laughing stock of Europe. Cartoons and jokes are popping up everywhere (Low cost carrier Ryanair being just the latest). Europeans and Brits (and Australians for that matter) are generally very pragmatic about politicians partners/lover affairs. They figure that as long as you turn up to work, do a good job and the relationship doesn't interfere with your job, then que sera sera. But the President of the French Republic could (and should) do better than this ageing groupie.
(Say what you will about old Jacques Chirac, but Madame Bernadette Chirac was the epitome of discretion, grace and manners and the French had a huge respect for their former First Lady).
He's not doing his job, he's taking too much time off and he's descending into Britney Spears/Paris Hilton territory and all in all it's not a good look. His poll humbers are in free fall and if he doesn't do something soon he will be a very short-lived President with no electoral capital.
So Nick mate. Ditch the groupie, get back to work and start going through that 'to do' list. Talking about 'La Gloire' of the Republique isn't gonna wash with Madame and Monsieur citizen for much longer...